There are different stages in every male/female relationship we get involved in. When we disregard and bounce ahead to a relationship stage we do harm to our self and also to our partner. These stages are not to be hurried,rather you need to advance normally to the next stage through systematic understanding and growth.In this write up we will identify the different stages of relationship and assist you to identify your present level and know where you are with somebody or where you have to place somebody.
The Stage Of Introduction".
Introduction simply means making something known for the first time, or formally telling two individuals who the other person is. There are some relationships that start here and end here. Not every one you come across in your journey of life is heaven sent.Some are sent into your life to destroy you.You must be able to know the difference.
Relationships are necessary connections you must have …and they are strong determinant of your life direction.As a result of this they are not issues to toy with.
Not everyone who comes into your life is destined to stay. There are some who will poison your destiny,frustrate your vision and destroy your purpose. When you quickly discern profitable relationship at this early stage you will be glad at the end of the day.
In the Holy Bible,the tabernacle is divided into four.
a.Out of the court,by the gate
b.Inside the court
c.Holy Place
d.The Holiest Of Holies(The Most Holy place)
In relationships,it is very similar.Some are to remain outside the court by the gate.Even if they knock till tomorrow,the gate should never be opened to them.You just peep at them,access them without accepting them...then let them go.
Look, life is personal and you have your personal space.Meanwhile relationship is spacial.Don’t let anyone intrude into that space without your approval and acceptance.
The Stage Of Acquaintance
This next stage is called "Acquaintance".According toWebster Dictionary,an Acquaintance is someone who is known but who is not a close friend. At this stage you start spending time talking and giving a person a closer assessment.Your “afar off assessment” at the introductory stage might not be correct.You might have been deceived by dressing or by sugar coated tongue.
At this stage,we can say you two are at talking terms.You talk ,greet each other with smiles and general SMS messages.At this stage you can begin to suspect real intentions.Now you cannot proceed past this stage without each others consent. You must verbally and boldly make it clear and loud that you both are in agreement to go ahead with the relationship.
The Stage Of Fellowship
Fellowship is defined as “friendly association, especially with people who share one's interests”At this stage you begin associating with each other to a greater degree based on those common interests.Here you share without caring.You want to postively impart her and she want to do the same for you.Here there is no chemistry involved yet.You like her,she likes you but no commitment.
The Stage Of Friendship
Friendship is a relationship of mutual affection between people. Friendship here is a stronger form of interpersonal bond than an association. characteristics include affection, sympathy, empathy, honesty, altruism, mutual understanding, and compassion, enjoyment of each other's company, trust, and the ability to be oneself, express one's feelings, and commit mistakes without fear of judgment from the friend. Both of you are happy to be with one another.At this stage you are not afraid to tell each other the truth. People afar off sees the two of you as friends.Again,at this stage there is “focussed lust”.You begin to imagine what it will be like if both of you will agree to live together for life.
The Stage Of Courtship or Intimacy
The is the last stage before marriage.It is a stage of increasing love and affection.Here both of you have agreed to end in marriage...and you are just preparing and adjusting.It is a stage of controlled chemistry(since you are not married yet) a stage where someone knows you so well that a look can even discern your deepest feeling and thoughts without you saying a word.
At courtship level,you will be counting days,continue to adjust and plan together for the future:to build a solid and happy home together
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