Friday, 7 October 2016

Ten Solid Reasons Why You Should Run Away From Sugar If You Want To Live Long

Sugar is a dangerous  poison. Yet it is consumed by almost everyone, on a daily basis, and it does horrible things within the body.  It is also something God never intended our physical bodies to have to contend with. The only sugars God designed our physical bodies to ever have to deal with were the natural sugars found in the LIVING, raw fruits and vegetables that He created and placed in the Garden! 

Are you aware that a hundred years ago, the average annual intake of refined sugar was approximately 5 pounds per person per year? Today, the average annual intake of refined sugar is around 170 pounds per person per year. That means that if a person is consuming that:, he or she is placing over 50 teaspoons of refined sugar into their physical bodies each and every day of their life.

Thus, a person who lives to the age of 70 will have placed into their body, during their lifetime, some 12,000 pounds of refined sugar.
Let's take a look at what all that sugar is doing within our beautiful, God designed, physical bodies 

(1) Refined Sugar Is A Dead Food 

Refined sugar originated in a living plant, which contained its complete complement of enzymes, but, by the time it reaches the refined sugar stage, all LIFE has been destroyed, and it has become a DEAD food. Let's look for a moment at what processors do with the original sugar cane or beet as they turn the living sugars found in the plant, into a refined, DEAD, product.

 The following information was taken from a newsletter written by Charlotte Gerson: 
"Sugar is a basic element in starchy food; however, processed sugar is a completely different matter. The sugar we purchase in the supermarket for personal consumption is processed sugar. This kind of sugar is heated up in chalk-milk, so that calcium and protein are extracted.
After the process, it becomes alkaloid, destroying all vitamin content.

In the second phase, the sugar is mixed with acid chalk, carbonic gas, sulfur dioxide, and finally with Natrium®  sodium bicarbonate. The mixture is cooked and cooled off several times and thereafter crystallized and centrifuged. The dead mass is then treated with strontium hydroxide. Subsequently it arrives at the refinery where it is passed over chalk carbon acid to clean it. Dark coloring is removed by adding sulfuric acid and then it is filtered with bone charcoal. Finally, it is colored with Indathrenblue or the highly toxic Ultramarine. This product's chemical composition is C12H22O11, which you can buy in shops as 'pure cane' sugar." 

(2) Refined Sugar Contains No Fiber 
Another important thing to understand about refined sugar is that, just like we saw with foods of animal origin, sugar is devoid of all fiber. Let's remember here that God designed our bodies to move food through a very extensive digestive tract through means of fiber, and foods containing no fiber create problems. 

(3) Refined Sugar Is Fragmented 

Through heating and mechanical and chemical processing, all vitamins, proteins, fats, enzymes – indeed, every single nutrient is removed until nothing but pure white sugar, pure 'naked calories,' pure refined carbohydrate remains. Sixty-four food elements are destroyed in the processing. Fragmented foods set up nutritional imbalances that precipitate health problems galore. 

(4) Refined Sugar Is Highly Acidic 
Like animal source foods, refined sugar is also 'acid forming.' This means that the body must take vital alkaline minerals, calcium being the most plentiful, from the body's cells to metabolize refined sugar. This high sugar use, along with the consumption of animal products, causes the body to take so much calcium from our bones and teeth that the bones become osteoporotic and the teeth decay. 

(5) Refined Sugar Creates Blood Sugar Disorders 

 One pound of apples contains 263 calories, whereas, one pound of candy has 1800 calories. Refined sugar in junk foods is concentrated far beyond what the human body was designed by God to ever have to process at one time. Thus, somehow the body has to deal with this incredibly large amount of sugar if it is going to survive. The body does deal with it, but in doing so, it often results in physical problems called DIABETES and HYPOGLYCEMIA. 

DIABETES - The primary cause of diabetes is the fat contained in animal products, but also, when a diabetic consumes refined sugar, the pancreas has difficulty producing adequate insulin when the blood sugar rises. Concentrated amounts of sugar cause a rapid rise in blood sugar. Chronic intake of sugar
eventually exhausts the pancreas as it tries to compensate. Thus, the diabetic is condemned to having to take ever-increasing amounts of insulin to compensate. Diabetes is the 'Number Three Killer Disease," in America, preceded only by cardiovascular related diseases and cancer. 

HYPOGLYCEMIA - is the flip side of diabetes. Hypoglycemia occurs when the body still has a fairly strong pancreas. The body overreacts to a concentrated sugar intake and releases too much insulin from the pancreas. Blood sugar levels then plummet far below the normal, stable level. The suffering Hypoglycemic often experiences fatigue, headaches, mental depression, and irritability. Hypoglycemics often deal with symptoms by taking in more refined sugar, catching them in an endless cycle that causes the pancreas to wear out from the constant over stimulation.  This often results in Diabetes because now the sufferer cannot produce sufficient insulin for normal metabolic activities. 

(6) Refined Sugar Promotes Emotional Instability 
 After a "sugarholic" has consumed a box of candy or bag of cookies or any large amount of refined sugar, they know how self-abused and depressed they feel. Sadly, studies reveal a strong link between juvenile and adult criminal offenses and sugar addiction. Similar research reveals a link between mental illness and sugar abuse. And hypoglycemic reactions, for the very sensitive consumer, promote extreme irrationality, emotional instability, and oftentimes aggressiveness. Recent studies are revealing that sugar may be as involved in mental illness, divorce, and crime as alcohol has been found to be. Depression is also one of the most rapidly growing problems in our society today, and refined sugar is one of the major contributing factors! ADD and ADHD are running rampant among our children and even some adults! It is a problem doctors are trying to treat with drugs such as Ritalin. Isn't it a sad commentary, that these emotional problems, that were caused by the very toxic and poisonous addictive drug, refined sugar, are then treated with another poison, a doctor prescribed drug! How sad! You mothers who are having a problem with your child's behavior might consider removing all sugar from his or her diet.

(7) Refined Sugar Contributes To Heart Disease 
Fat is not the only contributing factor in heart disease. Large amounts of refined sugar cause the insulin in the body to convert blood glucose (sugar) into fatty acids and triglycerides. Those on a high-sugar diet show significantly higher levels of fat in their blood than those who eat no refined sugar. This high fat content in the blood is directly related to the development of plaque build-up within the arteries and ultimately to hardening of the arteries. 

Apart from this Magnesium is a necessary ingredient that helps our cardiac functioning.Meanwhile sugar deplete your body of magnesium. In fact for ever molecule if Sugar it takes Fifty Four Molecules ofMagnesium to process it!

(8) Refined Sugar Leads To Addiction And Weight Gain 
Sugar is highly caloric in its pure form, but it is often combined with something containing high fat, like shortening, along with some salt, producing a tempting goodie like candy, fudge, or a donut. Often, these high sugar foods are consumed with a high sugar drink, like soda pop. All of this sugar contributes to weight gain. Recently I read that if a person consumes just one 12-ounce can of soda pop a day, the 11-teaspoons of sugar found in each soda pop could add 12 pounds to their weight in just one year. Furthermore, because of the way it plays havoc with emotions, refined sugar is highly addictive - it works exactly like a protoplasmic poison--a drug. This means that once a “sugarholic” sufferer has given into crystalline sweetness, they can't stop the addiction. And if they dare face withdrawal, the 'sugar blues' give them no peace until they return to the sugar and resign themselves to remain fat. 
Refined sugar is every bit as addictive as nicotine and alcohol!. Sugar has a powerful addictive influence upon many people. Have you ever noticed that children who are allowed to have candy are always asking for more, while never being satisfied no matter how much you give them? It is because their bodies have become addicted to sugar, and their bodies are often times literally screaming for a fix. 

(9) Refined Sugar Compromises The Immune System 
Let's remember that the immune system is what God built into each of our physical bodies to protect us from the germs, viruses, and bacteria of this world. It is our first line of defense! Refined sugar is an immune system suppressant! In other words, refined sugar cripples and can even knock out this first line of defense. Doesn’t that give us a clue as to why so many people experience infections, colds, the flu, other flu-like symptoms, and more? I haven’t experienced a cold or the flu since eliminating refined sugar and adopting a basically living plant source diet over 30 years ago! 

(10) Sugar Contributes To A Myriad Of Other Physical Problems 
Refined sugar is associated with malnutrition and decreased resistance to disease. Refined sugar impacts quality of life as it increases the severity of PMS, decreases cognitive or intellectual function, especially in children, contributes to our current epidemic of heart disease, and so much more.

 Following is just a partial list of other health problems related to the intake of refined sugar: acne, addiction to drugs and caffeine, alcoholism, allergies, anxiety, behavior problems, binge eating, bloating, bone loss, Candidiasis, depression, difficulty concentrating, eczema, edema, emotional problems, fatigue, food cravings, hormonal problems, hyperactivity, insomnia, menstrual difficulties, mental illness, mood swings, premature aging, psoriasis, ..
To summarize, refined sugar, and products made with refined sugar, are the second most prevalent cause, or contributing cause, of the physical problems being experienced today. Refined sugar products are all DEAD and FIBERLESS and, are the second most popular of the KILLER foods of our day after  animal source foods.
Do you want to stay healthy and live long then quit refined sugar! Good luck!

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