Wednesday 14 September 2016

Dangers Of Smoking:Brain Damage & Mental Issues

Surprisingly, another risk factor of smoking is brain aneurysms.(Brain Damage). Most people are not aware of the fact that the nicotine in cigarettes does damage to the blood vessels in the brain, often leading to aneurysms. Sometimes when you realize you are having an aneurysm, it is already too late. The key to treating an aneurysm is early detection, as it is with cancer. However, the best way to treat aneurysms is to prevent them completely, and this can be done in some cases, by not smoking ever or quitting as soon as possible for good.

Mental Issues
Mental problems of smoking are apparent to anyone who has seen someone addicted to nicotine who has had to go without their fix. The mental strain and cravings when the body gets low on nicotine are unbearable for some. People who are addicted to smoking find even the simplest tasks can’t be performed without first smoking. Lack of nicotine causes problems concentrating, thinking, and problem solving, or even deciding what to have for breakfast. Smokers become a slave to their habit and can’t function without the drug. When the need for the drug is so strong you can’t function without it then you are even more likely to not notice or simply deny the negative effects smoking is having on you mentally and physically. Do not let your strong addiction to nicotine rip away your chance of living a longer and healthier life!
The mental problems associated with smoking can lead to social problems. The lack of concentration and nervousness can be a real problem to people when out on a date or at work. Smokers can not get calm and feel normal without going for a smoke break, and this can cause terrible problems seeing as most places of business do not allow smoking indoors. Smokers have to wait until their breaks to get a fix and during the time in between they will not be able to work to their fullest potential. It is also true that employers are much more likely to hire non-smokers over smokers for a number of reasons, including the usual increase in sick days of smokers, the increased health costs, and so much more

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